From the Firehose

Drone Monitoring

The evolution of technology in the photography industry has drastically changed the habits of many people in the last decade.

Documenting your travels and other adventures with an ctual photo camera, nbecame not that convenient, to say the least. Smartphones have become the number one device to immortalize your precious memories, although it seems that they’re not enough anymore — people are already looking for more creative ways to express themselves...that’s where the drones enter the game.

The evolution of technology in the photography industry has drastically changed the habits of many people in the last decade.

  • The main objective of the expo was to create career awareness campaign focusing on scarce skills. We aim to provide a vehicle to disseminate information.
  • To provide a platform for creating more access to various career options for the rural communities and youth.
  • We aim to strengthen the linkages between schools, colleges, local communities and businesses. We intend to explore the innovative channels that will strengthen the relationship between College, Local Communities, Private Companies & Consultants.