
Our Work

We work through four key focal sectors - education, economic development, health and nutrition, and water and sanitation. Crosscutting themes of gender equality, environment, resilience and disaster risk reduction, peace building, child protection and disability inclusion are intentionally interwoven into all our programmes to enhance their effectiveness and add value to our work in these focal sectors.

Main call to action Secondary action

Workshops & Training for Youth

Predulive has the mission of providing industrial training to facilitate skill-building for the various sectors like Aero, Drones, Robotics, Electronics, Machine Learning, Design, etc.

Startup Meetups

Entrepreneurs are excited to be part of something that is growing and becoming grand, so tap into those desires by helping us create relationships with other dreamers, people we can share with.

Drones Monitoring

Recent advances in computing, software and sensor technology, allows drones to be programmed to operate automatically on a pre-determined flight path. This opens the way for automating inspection.

Labor And Employment

The Labour Commissionerate facilitates not only conflict resolution between the management but also serves the greater purpose of enhancing the welfare of the large and heterogenous sections.

Rural Development

We aim to create educational, uplifting, empowering and sustainable Youth Development Initiatives in our district. Our Organization is made up of passionate and dynamic torch bearers.

Career Awareness Expo

We aim to create educational, uplifting, empowering and sustainable Youth Development Initiatives in our district. Our Organization is made up of passionate and dynamic torch bearers.