From the Firehose

Startup Meetups

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Entrepreneurs are excited to be part of something that is growing and becoming grand, so tap into those desires by helping us create relationships with other dreamers, people we can share with, learn from and with whom we can explore new possibilities in our meetup programs. Focus less on being cool and more on being human.

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Predulive organize a startup meetup programs in small rural areas & provide an opportunity to young budding entrepreneurs of small towns to showcase their ideas & find some guidance by an industry expert.

New feature

Having a bunch of startup business Ideas to start with is an excellent starting point for any entrepreneur. Because, the biggest reason why most of the startups fail is due to lack of demand. Research says more than 42 % of startup fails due to lack of market need. Most of the entrepreneurs spend days hunting for good startup business ideas ; our research team has written down these ready to use tech startup